Struct tinyraytracer::vectors::Vec3 [−][src]
3-D vector, this struct includes functions for conveniently perform
x: f32
y: f32
z: f32
impl Vec3
impl Vec3
[src]pub fn orig() -> Self
Create an origin vector (0, 0, 0)
pub fn new(v: (f32, f32, f32)) -> Self
Create a new vector by specifying its coordinates
pub fn l2(&self) -> f32
Get the L2 norm of the vector. L_2 norm is the length of the vector, in 3-D space is basically the distance of a vector from the origin. Let say you have 2 vectors v1 and v2, running (v1-v2).l2() will give you the distance between those points. That is, the distance between v_1 and v_2 is the length of a vector from v_1 to v_2
pub fn dot(&self, other: &Self) -> f32
This gives us the Dot Product of 2 vectors.
This is a very useful quantity for projection of vectors.
Key property of the dot-product is this:
What this means is that the dot-product of two vectors is a product of their lengths and the cosine of the angle between them. Vector Projection
pub fn cross(&self, other: &Self) -> Self
This gives us a vector that is orthogonal to self and other with norm of
pub fn project_on(&self, other: &Self) -> Self
Helper function that finds the projection of a vector to another vector. I’m going to expand on this at some point. If you don’t understand what’s going on in this function I strongly recommend this series of videos 3Brown1Blue’s Essence of Linear Algebra
pub fn normalized(&self) -> Self
Get 1-norm vector
pub fn mult(&self, v: f32) -> Self
Multiply a vector by a scalar
pub fn reflect(&self, normal: Vec3) -> Self
Find a reflection of a vector, from a surface generated by a normal.